By Yetta Liu

A portfolio website to archive some of my undergrad projects. Projects are dated from 2021 to 2024.


9x9x9 Square Room


The 9x9 micro room housing unit interior design.
A room with a kitchen, a bathroom, a lofted bed, and a desk.
- A digital drawn orthographics.
- Architecture Studio 4 Project
- Spring 2024

18x18x18 Living Unit

The 18x18 two-stories housing unit model making.
- Handmade model with museum board.
- Architecture Studio 4 Project
- Spring 2024

Circulation & Public Spaces

AAVS sky-view

A project to do research on a public space and make a new design proposal for the site.
- The project was done with Rhino modeling along with the involvement of AI trained agents with Unity.
- Site: Cheonggyecheon, Seoul, South Korea
- AAVS Summer program
- Summer 2023

Union Hall


The designing of a small building that may be used as a union hall including a handful of support spaces and a
large, grand room for mass meetings.
- Architecture Orthographics done with Rhino, handmade scaled model with museum board.
- Architecture Studio 2 Project
- Spring 2023

Triangular House


A small house designed with the use of parti diagram with the learning of compostition of geometric shapes.
- Architecture Orthographics done with Rhino, handmade scaled model with museum board, wood sticks.
- Architecture Studio 2 Project
- Spring 2023